Intervention Order Advice
IVO Legal Advice to Victorian Applicants and Respondents

“He who represents himself has a fool for a client.” Quote by Abraham Lincoln.
Do you understand how an intervention order will impact on your employment, you spending time with your children, travelling overseas, your working with children card, where you will live, and your prospects of getting a fair family law property settlement?
You may be told that you can get legal advice from a duty lawyer at the court. That can be true, but they are not always available and regularly they have over 20 clients to see that day. And very often they will encourage you concede your legal rights to defend an unfair application against you. Do you need legal advice before going to court? Its $275 well spent

Respondent Despondent
You will not be given a chance to contest the IVO allegations until a final hearing is held possibly in 6 months time – How is that fair?

Separation by IVO
Frequently people are using Intervention Order Proceedings to separate from a partner and as a form of Poor Man’s (or Poor Woman’s) Family Law – IVO’s are for safety not parenting orders.

Mission Impossible
When your partner doesnt get it that they are harming you by their controlling behaviour you need to know the options.
How Can we Help
We provide up to 90 minute IVO Strategy Session to discuss your Intervention Order issues for $275. Including GST. No Suprises.
We can meet you at our head office at 730B Centre Road East Bentleigh or our branch offices at Lyndhurst or East Burwood.
Or via Video conferencing over the internet (including by phone or ipad)
Or even by phone.
Who Are We?
We are lawyers who work as Solicitor Advocates in all Family Violence and Family Law Courts. We have over 30 years of combined experience. We have experience as mediators and have a number of Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners workingwith the firm.
We do work for both Applicants and Respondents (we have an open mind – we dont call you victims and perpertrators like many others)
What Will it Cost?
$275 for the initial consultation for up to 90 minutes. If we were a traditional law firm time costing ever minute that works out at $183.33 an hour. We dont do things that way – we prefer to give you enough time to fully discuss your problems without worring about the cost.
If you would like a 20 minute telephone conversation with one of our lawyers contact our office to make an appointment
Contact us for an Appointment
If you urgently need to speak with a lawyer send a SMS message to 0413 825 479 requesting assistance
As soon as possible we will return your call (a minimal charge of $40 will apply for urgent assistance.)